Planet Me – The Comic Book

Planet Me Comic by artist Luke Knight

The idea

Planet Me is a comic book creation written and illustrated by me, Luke Knight. It recounts the hilarious and heartfelt adventures of a fearless young girl, Penny, and her faithful friend, Stan. Penny’s inquisitive nature leads her and Stan into a world full of magic and wonder, which teaches them some important life lessons. Penny meets an ensemble of captivating characters and learns the importance of caring for our planet and the many lives that rely on it.

This intricately woven tale is a kaleidoscope for the senses and is recommended for comic book lovers of all ages.

My journey into the world of comics

The Planet Me comic book is a project that has been brewing in the back of my mind for a few years now. I tend to ruminate over a tiny seed of an idea until it grows into a seedling with real potential. I have always loved and been fascinated by comics since as long as I can remember, which is a huge cliché I know; but it’s true. To this day I still take inspiration from those comics I remember reading as a child including: The Beano, Marvel Comics, Willy the Kid, Peanuts, Asterix, Tintin, Wham!, Judge Dredd, Dan Dare, Manga comics etc.

I took the step to make it happen a little over a year now and the process has been immensely enjoyable and challenging. As I began to combine all my ideas into a single plot, the story grew bigger and more complex. With plenty of pruning and a great deal of care and attention it soon began to blossom.

With a host of intriguing yet somehow believable characters and a few, very British, idiosyncrasies I hope to share the finished book with the world very soon! Watch this space…

Planet Me Comic Book Sketches

Planet Me Comic Book Sketches